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We Have Amazing News!

Strategic Alliance: McGraw Hill and Binary Logic Unite to Advance CS Education

18 July, 2024

We at Binary Logic, your favorite Computing and ICT content provider and a member of the MM Educational Group, are thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with McGraw Hill, a global leader in education. This collaboration will significantly enhance access to our trusted Computer Science educational materials in English, with McGraw Hill handling global promotion and distribution.

In today’s tech-driven world, computer science (CS) education is essential for students to thrive in a future dominated by digital technologies and AI. CS in the K-12 curriculum provides crucial skills in computational thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy—key competencies for all 21st-century professions.

Our comprehensive curricula, which include topics such as Robotics, AI, and Cybersecurity, have earned recognition from ISTE and UNESCO and have been supported by UNICEF in local editions. By partnering with McGraw Hill, we aim to expand our reach and impact, creating new opportunities for hundreds of millions of students in the USA and around the world. This partnership highlights Greece's significant contribution to innovative education.

Stay tuned for more updates! ✨

Read McGraw Hill’s announcement here

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